Empty Heart Syndrome

The Wage Of Sin

Compositor: The Wage of Sin

Bodies decay but I'm stone
Death is distant until it's my own
Life passes me by every day
But when will death come my way?

How did I end up with eyes glued shut with bloodshed
from all the ones who passed me by?
I will never be free of the lies which have become my

Seeing how you're made to live makes dying much more
Breathing in the last time until suddenly you're not

As I walk through the streets
I see how people are so frail
I see through their thick skin
Lay them down for eternal dreams

Dark clouds closing over me
I close my eyes never again to see
My heart has stopped- was it ever there?
Life is gone but its too late to care

How did I end up with eyes glued shut with bloodshed
from all the ones who have passed me by?
I will never be free of the lies which have become my

Death is nothing
When you see it everyday
It eats at me slowly
Till the ashes blow away

Death is everything
When you see it everyday
Surrounding me
Now my heart is empty

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